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A little over two years (1943-1945). Before it was a concentration camp, it was a POW camp. It became an extermination camp in 1943 on the orders of Heinrich Himmler.

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Is concentration camp capitalized?

When used in a general sense use small letters. However, if you are writing about a named camp, use capitals, for example: Dachau Concentration Camp.

What is the oven use for in concentration camp?

To cremate bodies.

Why did the nazis want to open the Auschwitz complex?

They wanted to use it as a concentration camp and a extermination camp

How can you use concentration in a sentences?

My dad went to a concentration camp when he was young unfortunately he ate ur parents and died off Heart disease

How did they take the Jews to the concentration camp?

some camps were close enough to walk to, others they had to use lorries or trains.

How do you use concentration camp in a sentence?

first answers: The concentration camp was liberated before the SS could destroy its records. The Jews in Europe were relocated to concentration camps, originally as forced laborers. another answer: The term "Concentration Camp" was first used by the Spanish in the 1890's referring to population relocation centers in Cuba that helped them defeat Cuban nationalist rebels by preventing their co-habitation with the Cuban population (now moved into these camps).

Which nation did the United states use the same sort of concentration camp practices that it had condemned Spain for using in china?

The Philippines

How can you use concentration camps in a sentence?

I know it's a shame most of your family couldn't make it as they didn't survive the concentration camps.

Why did the Nazis choose to establish Dachau concentration camp where they did?

There was a disused munitions factory there, so there were some buildings that the inmates could repair for use.

In concentration camps what happen to the people and their families?

They were separated and if it was an extermination camp, those considered unfit for use as slave labor were put to death.

What kind of gas did Auschwitz use?

Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland used Zyklon B gas in their gas chambers afterwards creamated the bodies.

What word does Wiesel use to describe the childlike state of his father?

Wiesel uses the word "piteous" to describe the childlike state of his father in the concentration camp.