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Q: How long will Clorox wipes last before drying out?
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Why drying mussel last longer?

Drying meat and seafood makes it harder for harmful bacteria to grow.

How many days does a pimple last on your face?

It depends on the type of pimple, but it usually lasts around 4 days before drying out.

How do scrunch straight hair and do it through the night?

You have to use a very strong gel in wet hair then let it dry in a bun or scrunch and blow dry it at the same time but before blow drying put hair spray on and the do the drying and it will last through out the night

Were there any Lysol coupons in last week's paper?

No, last weeks paper did not contain Lysol coupons. Last weeks paper did have Clorox coupons if you would rather buy that brand.

What food make last longer?

Salt, sugar, vinegar, drying or freezing

How long do baby wipes last?

Baby wipes may not have expiration dates. But being mostly paper, their moisture content could cause them to degrade. Or they could dry out. Keeping them for more than a year risks a loss in quality.

How do you get uv pens off your wall?

try using a srub brush with soap, arm and hammer sponges, soap wipes (wipes) :)

Stomach Flu germs last on computers for how long?

Those germs can last for several weeks before they die. The best thing for you to do is to clean the computer surfaces that you touch with your hands using virus-killing products, like alcohol wipes. Also, wash your hands often, and you should be able to avoid the transfer of viruses.

What is the best solution for when you poop yourself in the car?

put on a nappy or have some spear undies in your car with wipes but last and not least have a plastic bag in the car to.

Can you pack insect repellent in your checked luggage?

Yes. I took some with me went I went to Russia last summer. You can also carry the wipes in your carry on.

How long does drying preserve meat?

Dried meat can last for years unopened, as long as it was dried properly and contains no moisture.

What are some last minute gift ideas for babies?

A great idea for last minute baby shower gifts are things like diapers, wipes, essentials like that, or you can get things like soft toys,clothing and bath time stuff.