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2 to 4 weeks. For some it can stay in your urine for months.

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Q: How long will THC stay in urine for a first time ever marijuana smoker?
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How long will marijuana stay in body weight about 220 lbs and 5'9'' tall and have not smoke marijuana for two months how long marijuana stay in urine and blood?

probably some were from a month to like 50 days in your urine. blood idk. marijuana stays in your urine up to a month if not more but you would have to be smoking or eating alot of it usually for urine yeah the case is it will pass in 30 days but blood can go back farther and im not sure on it but if you got a hair folicle test your screwed it tells what every drug you've ever done so be smart dont get yourself caught in the situation where you have to be tested.

BBQ Smokers ?

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If you smoke one joint how long would it take to come out your system?

The time it takes for your body to rid itself of all THC is dependent on many factors. These include (but are not limited to) your metabolism, your BMI, your consumption of marijuana and your diet.Generally speaking, if you are a non-smoker and you smoke off a joint in a group setting (we'll say 3 to 5 people) and that's all you smoke, you could probably pass a urine test within 24 hours. This assumes that because you're a non-smoker, you don't take as deep of hits as experienced smokers do. This also assumes that the marijuana you are smoking is "street-grade" marijuana (that is to say, quickly cultivated and mass-produced...low-quality). This ALSO assumes that you follow a specific quick-detox plan (such as niacin overload or detox drinks available at many corner stores and over the internet).However, non-smokers have tested positive for marijuana days after going to a concert where second-hand marijuana smoke inhalation has occurred. On the other hand, some very consistent smokers have been able to pass drug tests using detox methods.Long story short, there is no definitive answer to your question, but if you are a non-smoker who had a night of indiscretion and are facing a drug test, I wouldn't worry about it.

Will a urine test for marijuana show positive 3 months after marijuana usage?

THC, the active component of marijuana, is filtered out of the fat in your body after about 30 days. If you smoked marijuana 3 months prior to a drug test, it should be literally impossible for you to fail the urine test. Actually, THC is filtered out after 28 days. Unless you get a Hair Test. Hair tests really mess everything up. Fortunatley the rareley do that. yeah three months then your completely fine dont worry about it but blood also is bad so yeah urine your fine hair tells every drug you have ever did in your life

How long will a first time marijuana possession stay on record in Connecticut?

for ever or till the end of time

Is Marinda cosgrove a smoker?

no she has not ever smoked she a good girl

Will Marijuana resin cause you to fail a urine screen?

no you can not fail from touching marijuana. it does not absorb in your skin like coacaine does or crack. even touching heroine can make you fail for opiates. so if its just marijuana your in the clear

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Has Jennifer Lawrence ever smoked?

probably Yes but shes not a smoker.

Did Jimi Hendrix take herion?

No, he did not he smoked marijuana, used cocaine, psychadelics, (most notably LSD which he was introduced to at the Monterey Pop Festival) and was a heavy drinker/cigarette smoker. But he refused Heroin through injection. It is unclear whether or not he ever snorted it.