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Depends on your tolerance.

Is this your first dose? If it is, it is likely to last a very long time.

Depends on your body chemistry.

For some, it will last 3.5 hours before it loses efficacy. For others, it will last DAYS on a first dose, and you won't sleep for upwards of 48 hours.

Source: Personal experience.

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What do the last five pills of Ortho Micronor have in them?

All Ortho Micronor pills are identical; there are no placebo pills in the pack.

What are the last 7 pills for birth control for?

The last seven pills in the birth control pack are to keep you in the habit of taking pills. Some contain vitamins, but most contain no active ingredients.

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For me, it lasts about 24-36 hours. Its pretty intense, get ready

Is Vyvanse effective for ADHD?

Yes. Vyvanse has been clinically proven to be effective in treating individuals with inattention or hyperactive subtypes of ADHD. Vyvanse is the brand name for lisdexamfetamine; this is a pro-drug for dextroamphetamine. Dextroamphetamine has been used for years in treatment of ADHD. Vyvanse is only digestable through the liver which allows the drug to last longer (providing more hours through the day) and come on smoother (which makes it less abusable).

Also which are the sugar pills Im guessing the last ones can you skip them?

If you don't know, check with your prescriber or pharmacist. A few birth control pills have no sugar pills, and there's no point in skipping active pills.

Are sleeping pills advisable?

They are at best a last choice option.

Can you get pregnant missing last week of active pills?


Are you still protected the first day of hormone pills you take after the placebo week?

Hormone pills are NOT necessarily birth control pills, so you should make sure that it is intended for the correct usage. And no, you can't get pregnant on the last week of the inactive pills, you've already been taking three weeks of the active pills by then, which is why those pills are for the last week of your cycle; which usually are some sort of iron supplement.

Does starting the last week of birth control pills start your period?

To my knowledge the last week of birth control pills are placebos. That means they are simply sugar pills that help keep you in a routine. I think the lack of regular birth control pills during that last week cause you to start your period because you stop the hormones associated with those pills. Of course, I haven't taken them for over 10 years and the new types may be different.

When should you expect your next period if you started your pills on the first day of your period and you've used 3 weeks of pills and are currently on the last day of your sugar pills?

You should expect your period to arrive on or before the last day of the sugar pills. But sometimes you can arrive the next week after your sugar pills. It takes a while for BCP to get used to your body. This could be why you havent gotten your period.

What does popping pills mean?

"Popping pills" typically refers to the act of ingesting prescription or recreational drugs in pill form. This term is often associated with drug abuse and addiction.

In what order do you take birth control pills and which color do you take first?

Hello - You start taking birth control pills on the last day of your period. You will have seven pills which are a different colour from the other pills. The seven different coloured pills are the "non- active or sugar pills" which you start taking after you have finished taking the active pills. The active pills are the 28+ different coloured pills from the non active ones.