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Q: How long will a frog stay in a pot of water that is gradually getting hotter and hotter?
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How deep does water need to be for frogs?

If your frog is a completely aquatic frog, the water should be deep enough to swim around in, like a regular fish. But if your frog is a half land half water frog, the water shouldn't be TOO deep. It should be shallow enough to let your frog's head break the surface, and you need to have sticks or ridges to help your frog get out of the water.

Frog on a hot plate analogy?

The 'frog on a hot plate' analogy refers to the idea that changes over time often go unnoticed if they are slow enough. The idea here is that a frog will not jump off a hot plate if it is heated slowly enough because the frog will not notice the plate is getting hotter. Even though this may not be true literally, it is often true in many other situations. Thus, the analogy has stuck.

When was Albanian water frog created?

Albanian water frog was created in 1987.

How the Holocaust happened?

The gradual de-humanisation that took place throughout the Nazi rule meant that extermination was simply the next step. It is like if you put a frog in boiling water, it would jump out straight away, however, it the water starts cold and gradually gets hotter, he wouldnt jump out. In other words, extermination couldnt have happened as soon as the Nazis got into power, but as it was something that took place over 10 years, it was just the next step.

What are the similarities of a frog and a water lily?

a tadpole is the second stage before it grows into a frog.

How is the frog's skin adapted to the water?

A frog's skin is permeable, this means it lets water in and out. Frog skins also let oxygen pass in and carbon dioxide pass out.

How is a crayfish like a frog?

it is like a frog because they mostly live in water:]

Who out of these 3 animals lay their eggs in water snake penguin or Frog?


What is the difference between a frog and a crab?

A frog is an amphibian, meaning that it lives on both land and water, but most fish are not; they live only in the water.

Would a frog die if it was put in salt water for a night?

Yes. No frog can survive in salty water. Som live in brackish water though

Comperison between fish and frog-adaptation?

fish:fish lives in a water but frog cannot lives in water why because fish cannot live with water

Where does a frog produce its eggs?

In the water.