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The thc sticks in ur fatty cells. Ive found it comes out fairly quickly when you burn it off with exercise and diet. Idk if the kidneys really come into play in expelling those particular toxins.

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Q: How long will marijuana stay in your system if you have just one kidney?
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How long is marijuana in your system for?

Marijuana can be detected in your system for up to 30 days in heavy users, but typically, it can be detected in urine for about 3-7 days after use. Factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and body fat can affect how long it stays in your system.

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I guess I would have to say because it's concentrated THC, just as long as marijuana would stay in your system. About 6 months from when you did it.

How long does marijuana stay in a toddlers system?

for about a hour

How long until marijuana is in your system?

About 1 month.

How long does marijuana stay in your system if you smoked for three years?

If you been smoking for 10 years but you stop for about 30 days it will clear out. it doesnt matter how long you've done just how long you have until your drug test to clear out the marijuana

How long does marijuana with pcp in it stay in your system?

It depends on how often you consume marijuana, your weight, and other factors. The marijuana will be the last to leave your system and can take a week to 60 days.

How long does it take for one hitter of marijuana to get out of your system?

About a month

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How long can marijuana stay in your system for a swab test?

Marijuana can typically be detected in a saliva swab test for up to 72 hours after use. However, individual factors such as metabolism and frequency of use can impact detection times.

What can clean your system out of marijuana?

Not using any for a long time will do it.

How long can marijuana be detected in new growth after you quit smoking?

I do believe after one month of smoking marijuana it will clear out of your system but I also believe it depends on how long you were smoking tge marijuana for.

How long does marijuana stay in a light user system?

If you smoked marijuana while you've had that hair growing on your head, marijuana use is detectable, so however long it takes you to grow a head of hair.