

How long will the sun go on shining?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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The sun is only about 4.5 billion years old, and will remain more or less in it's present state for another 4 or 5 billion years. It will then swell as a red giant for up to a billion more, then (after casting off much of it's mass) it will remain a cool white dwarf, still technically shining, but significantly dimmed, for an estimated 75 - 100 billion more years.

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"Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel."Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel."Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel."Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel.

Why does the sun go on shining?

The Sun gets its energy from nuclear reactions; it has enough fuel to continue shining for a few billion years more.

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The negation of the sentence the sun is shining would be that the sun is not shining.

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Shining Sun was created in 2010.

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The Sun is currently in the middle of its life, and has been approximately shining for 5 billion years. It will die out in 5 billion years also, but the human race will be long gone before that happens. The sun has been shining for about 4.6 billion years and it will continue to shine for about 5 billion more years


The Sun is currently in the middle of its life, and has been approximately shining for 5 billion years. It will die out in 5 billion years also, but the human race will be long gone before that happens. The sun has been shining for about 4.6 billion years and it will continue to shine for about 5 billion more years

Will the sun stop shining?

When all Hydrogen on Sun is finished it will stop shining

When was Sun Is Shining created?

Sun Is Shining was created on 1999-09-13.

Is Whenever the sun is shining in your town a fragment?

Yes, "Whenever the sun is shining in your town" is a fragment. It does not complete the thought.Some examples of a complete sentence would be:Whenever the sun is shining in your town, the children come out to play.Whenever the sun is shining in your town, the road is too hot to walk on.Whenever the sun is shining in your town, you are happy.

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Humans travel to and from the Antarctic continent when it is accessible either by ship or by airplane. During the winter season -- when the sun isn't shining, the continent is not accessible.

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The sun was shining brightly in the sky.