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It would take 100s or 1000s of years

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Q: How long would a bare rock take to become a forest?
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If a forest fire ain't putted out then it would get big and burn them trees n grasses and such.

What ecological succession is avalanches?

Succession is the process by which a habitat changes over time as different plants get established. This process can occur from bare rock up to an old-growth forest, and can get reset by a disturbance such as fire. The path of succession varies from one habitat type to another, but the general idea goes like this: Bare rock ---> Lichens --> Mosses --> Grasses & Forbs --> Brush --> Deciduous hardwood forest --> Mixed deciduous-coniferous forest --> Coniferous forest --> Old growth coniferous forest

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I woukd feel free and alive in the forest. because there are no cars to run me over or someone yelling at me for taking to long to cross the roads. I would feel at peace and calm with myself.

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yes u can pick up a daddy long legs with your bare hands just dont squeeze it.

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Color is the last of a polar bear's worries if he ends up in the rain forest....He would not live long.

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So long as it's Summer, sure. Even some Spring or Fall days are fine for bare arms, so long as it's warm.