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Q: How long would an 85 lb pitbull expect to live?
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How long can a pitbul live?

A pitbull can live 10-14 years if kept healthy.

How long does a tiger pitbull live in dogs years?

for 100 yers

How long does the pit bull live?

10-15 years is the life of a pitbull.

Your pitbull is 10 years old how long do they live for?

up to around 12 years.

How long is a pitbull tooth?

Pitbull teeth can be an inch long in length.

How long does a pitbull half chow chow live?

about 4-5 or about 6yrs not exacly sure

Why do pit bulls live so long?

dogs might live for about 10 to 15 years. Pedigree dogs live most shorter as a result of inbreeding and are subject to certain kinds of conditions which pitbull don't have. I have seen pitbull living up to 18 years.

How long do people expect to live in China?

300 years

How long could a person expect to live during Shakespeares lifetime?

About 30 years.

What do pitbull dogs need to exercise?

Long walks.

How big is rapper Pitbull's package?

a Foot long

How long would you expect to work if hired?

as long as the job were satisfactory to both parties and everyone was satisfied.