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At most, when they are spread farest apart, 18 minutes and 37 seconds and at least, when they are closest to each other, is 6 minutes 40 seconds.

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Q: How long would it take a beam of light to travel from Venus to Mars?
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Is Venus's or Mars brighter?

Venus is much brighter than Mars. Only the Moon and the Sun are brighter than Venus.

How many miles would you have to travel if you set off from Mars and flew past the Earth to Venus?

a long time!

If it takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for light to travel from the sun to the earth how long would it take light to travel to mars?

From where ? ? ? From the sun: 12min 40sec From the earth when Mars is closest: 4min 21sec From the earth when Mars is farthest: 20min 59sec

If planets do not produce their own light how would we be able to see mars and venus?

Like our Moon, other planets can also reflect light from our Sun.

Is mars second earth?

Venus actually has more earthly characteristics than Mars does. It would be more likely (even though it is unlikely) for Venus to be a second earth than it would be for Mars.

Venus mars and mercury in order of size?

From smallest to largest: Mercury, Mars, Venus. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, Mars is the second smallest, and Venus is the third smallest of the three.

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How long would it take light to travel between Earth and Mars at their farthest orbits?

It would take about 22.5 minutes.

When people can travel to Mars?

When people can make their rocket as fast as light, then they can go to the Mars.

How long would take light to travel from earth to mars at a distance of 56 million km?

At a distance of 56 million kilometers, light requires 3.1 minutes to reach Mars from Earth.

Does Venus have Martians?

Life forms from Venus would be called Venusians. Life forms from Mars would be called Martians. In any respect, however, there is no evidence, nor scientific support of life on either Venus or Mars.

What planet are the nearest to Mars?

Usually Earth is the closest planet. At times when Mars and Venus are both "in opposition", meaning that they are on the far side of the Sun from the Earth, then Venus would be closer to Mars.