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Direct radiation could not get from an explosion at San Francisco to Los Angeles, as they are beyond the horizon and this type of radiation follows straight lines.

Fallout and the radiation it carries is harder to predict as it is carried by winds. However as the winds on the west coast primarily blow inland (west to east) not north to south, it is very unlikely that any fallout from an explosion at San Francisco would get to Los Angeles (although unusual weather patterns could cause some to go south).

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Q: How long would it take for radiation to hit Los Angeles if a nuclear bomb hit San Francisco?
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Does a nuclear bomb hurt?

no...because if you were close enough you would be vaporized on contact and if youre not nuclear radiation would kill you

What are the uses of nuclear radiation?

Nuclear Warfare to kill people, according to the first answer to this question. Nuclear medicine is the use of radiation to treat or cure disease. It is often used in cancer treatments. Nuclear imaging is the use of radiation to create images, for example, to follow pattern of blood flow in internal organs. Radiography uses radiation (x-rays) to create an image that contrasts dense areas of a body with softer areas, for example, in dentistry or orthopedics. Nuclear radiation is used to make batteries for spacecraft. Nuclear radiation is used in ionizing smoke detectors. Nuclear radiation creates much of the heat inside the earth. Without it the core would solidify and earth would not be habitable. Naturally occurring nuclear radiation is used to locate fault lines and to place dates on volcanic eruption. Nuclear radiation produces about 10% of the world's electricity. Radiation was used for peaceful purposes many years before it was used for bombs. Most uses of radiation are peaceful and productive.

Four uses of nuclear radiation?

Nuclear radiation is used to make batteries for spacecraft. Nuclear radiation is used in ionizing smoke detectors. Nuclear radiation creates much of the heat inside the earth. Without it the core would solidify and earth would not be habitable.

Would the radiation of a Nuclear Bomb effect a person underwater?

Well, yes because radiation can radiate through water

What does nuclear disaster mean?

it means that either a nuclear rocket or a nuclear lab has exploded letting out nuclear waste and radiation which means the city would have to be evacuated until they are out of the nuclear radation zone.

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Answer this question… Radiation is being released from the reactor.

What would happen if nuclear radiation was in a box?

it depends of the type of box and also how much radiation would be put so with the info u provideed it is un-sure

What is radiation fallout?

Radiation is exactly waht it sounds like... Nuclear energy would be running through you're system slowly killing you :)

What insects can survive a nuclear blast?

A direct nuclear blast - nothing. However it is said that cockroaches would possibly survive radiation where other animals would be killed.

How would you describe a nuclear weapons?

mushroom cloud, Hiroshima, radiation sickness, collateral damage,

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