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If your worried about it because of a drug test it wont show up. But other than that 3 days I think.

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Q: How long would methadone stay in your system if you took 50 mg once?
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If you are asking how long it affects the nervous system, it is 3.8 hours.

Pass a drug test if you take methadone 1 once ever week?

You can only fail a drug test for methadone if they are testing for methadone. Methadone does not come up as an opiate since there are no opiates in methadone,

How can you detox yourself from heroine?

Taper down, little bit each day - but if that doesn't work, taper down like, once every 2-4 days (depending on your system, and how long you've did heroine). Other than that, you really can't detox, unless you take Suboxone (or Subutex; which is buprenorphine), or methadone (MMT-methadone maintence treatment). GOOD LUCK!

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Why is methadone bad?

Methadone does not is not bad. What you may think sucks, is that Methadone is given in place of other drugs, so you can break the drug habit. Try the methadone, and see how much better you will feel, once you kick the drug habit and then you will be able to say that ''drugs suck''.

What is the most effective way to start detoxing from methadone heroine clonazepam alcohol and oxycodone after long term use of all at once?

I would recomend seeing a doctor before attempting this. They can give you subutex or suboxone to help the withdrawals, be warned they are TERRIBLE!!

Can you work safely on methadone?

I have been on methadone for 8 years and while it may take a while to "adjust" to it, you can absolutely work on it. I would suggest not to mention it to anyone while on the job, though. Once again, i am not a pharmacist, nor do i have any pharmacological training, so, be careful out there!

Can you take methodone after the expiration date?

I have been taking methadone for 2 months, and it takes about 36-72 to leave my system. I once tried taking suboxone 12 hours after taking 60mg methadone and it sent me into "precipitated withdrawal." It was honestly the worst hell I've ever been through in my life. I wish I would have had a gun; I would have killed myself. The withdrawal was insane and the worst of my life. I would say quitting methadone is 10x harder than quitting oxycontin. The withdrawal is unreal. Talk to a doctor before stopping your methadone use or else you're in for the bad, bad pain.

If you smoked once in 6 months how long does weed stay in your system?

smoking it only once, it will completely leave your system within a week of smoking

Can marijuana have long term effects if you only smoke it once?

As long as it would if you've smoked more than one time.

How soon after taking methadone will it show up in a urine test?

Most of the time it takes 6-8 hours for the metabolites to get into your urine. So if you take the methadone a few hours before your drug test, it shouldn't show up. Unless you had already been using it

Is there a drug available to stop herion?

That question doesnt really make any sense but Ill answer it anyway. It depends on what you mean by "stop heroin". If you mean stop the physical dependence for heroin the answer is Methadone. If you mean "stop heroin" in the sense of blocking the effects of heroin the answer is also Methadone! Methadone is chemically structured to "cancel" out or "block" the effects from getting to you the way it once would have before having Methadone built up in your system. Also the reason it is structured to delete the effects is so that the user eventually stops bothering with it because no matter how much you do after beginning Methadone-it does nothing. You will feel nothing! So then you just say forget it and finally give up! Waste of money! Might as well flush it down the toilet. That people-is why it works!!!