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actually dreams come up when you have about 45 minutes left in the night some dreams last about 3 or 5 seconds but thats very rare.Most dreams last 10-45 minutes, so the times when you forget your dreams are when they begin early.

I have read a book that dreams last 3 milliseconds, that is not true.

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Q: How long would you have to sleep to remember most of your dream?
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How do we sleep soo long though our dream seems like a couple of minutes?

Maybe because a dream is so good you sleep for long

What does it mean if you never really remember your dreams and then have a long dream that you remember and then have it again months later and while you're dreaming you know what will happen next?

It means you had a dream and happened to remember it.

How long do hamsters sleep after a long play?

It depends really, i would say, if it played at night, it would sleep all day.

How long in real time does the average dream take up?

Can't give you an exact time because everyone is different. But a dream can last all night or start whenever you get into a deep sleep. So it depends. That is all i can tell you. I would measure it by seeing the time you fall asleep and the time you wake up because most dreams end when u wake up but pretty much i dream can last as long as you're sleeping ( sometimes you have to be in a deep sleep). Hope that answers your question!

How long time should we sleep?

The average is 8 hrs of sleep will make you awake enough to go outside... etc. It is still OK if you sleep more than 8 hrs, but remember you won't regret it when you can't sleep at night!

Why do you wake up before the best part in a dream?

The short answer would be that the best part of the dream IS waking up. ... The dream itself is building the sense of expectation that something really wonderful is about to happen, such as a long-awaited kiss, the discovery of a treasure, or launching into free-form flight. But the mental processes that create that sense of anticipation are simultaneously lifting the dreamer out of the deeper stages of sleep toward wakefulness. So in a very real sense, awakening is the culmination and climax of the dream. ... see attached link on sleep stages, below.

When is the first day that snowflakes fell from the sky?

Snow has been falling as long as humans can remember, so it would be in pre-historic times and as such no day would have been recorded.Snow has been falling as long as humans can remember, so it would be in pre-historic times and as such no day would have been recorded.Snow has been falling as long as humans can remember, so it would be in pre-historic times and as such no day would have been recorded.Snow has been falling as long as humans can remember, so it would be in pre-historic times and as such no day would have been recorded.Snow has been falling as long as humans can remember, so it would be in pre-historic times and as such no day would have been recorded.Snow has been falling as long as humans can remember, so it would be in pre-historic times and as such no day would have been recorded.Snow has been falling as long as humans can remember, so it would be in pre-historic times and as such no day would have been recorded.Snow has been falling as long as humans can remember, so it would be in pre-historic times and as such no day would have been recorded.Snow has been falling as long as humans can remember, so it would be in pre-historic times and as such no day would have been recorded.Snow has been falling as long as humans can remember, so it would be in pre-historic times and as such no day would have been recorded.Snow has been falling as long as humans can remember, so it would be in pre-historic times and as such no day would have been recorded.

If there is a dinosaur what will you do?

Hope that I stay in the dream for as long as possible. It would be awesome.

Why can't we remember our dreams?

There are several theories as to why we often cannot remember our dreams. One has to do with the hippocampus, which is part of the brain vital for transferring memories from short-term to long-term storage. During sleep, the brain’s regions turn off at different times, and one of the last to turn off is the hippocampus. If the hippocampus is the last to go to sleep, it may also be the last to wake up. According to Thomas Andrillon, a neuroscientist at Monash University, “You could have this window where you wake up with a dream in your short-term memory, but since the hippocampus is not fully awake yet, your brain is not able to keep that memory.”

When do monkeys sleep?

Dream. well ive seen them stacked on top of each other.

What is the definition of a dream come true?

A dream come true refers to the realization or fulfillment of a long-held aspiration or desire. It is when something hoped for or wished for deeply actually happens, leading to a sense of immense happiness and satisfaction.

How long would a soldier in World War 1 sleep for?

not long im guessin hehe!