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It can vary with each person, and depending on the type of sickness. It may be higher or lower than normal. A human brain will be damaged by a body temperature of about 106 Fahrenheit even if the person survives, caused by fever or heatstroke.

  • 98.6 Fahrenheit is normal body temperature for people.
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No, you don't have to have a temperature to be sick.

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13y ago

98 degrees

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Q: How low does your temperature have to be to be sick?
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Does 92.5 mean your sick or not sick?

It means your temperature is low. There are many reasons for a low temperature, including hypothermia. You should see a doctor if your temperature does not return to normal.

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it means he is sick so get him to the doctor

Are you sick if your temperature is 36.5?

if your talking about 36.5 degrees Fahrenheit, they you would be dead because your temperature cannot go that low without killing you. if you are talking about Celsius which is about 97.7 degrees Fahrenheit. My opinion is no you are not sick. The normal temperature is 98.6 Fahrenheit and 37 degrees Celsius.

How high does your temperature get if your sick?

If you are feeling sick and dizzy, you will have a temperature of 37 and above.

Why should you worry if your temp is 96.6?

In most cases, there is no reason to worry when your body temperature is 96.6. If you are sick and have a low temperature, you need to check with your doctor. The doctor can check your medical history and diagnose the cause.

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temperature keep low the temperature of the refrigerator

If it is 50 degrees below can you get sick?

It is possible to get sick regardless of the temperature.

If the temperature is low?

If the temperature is low , the air will feel cold.

Are You Sick If What if your temperature Is 98.8?

no it has to be 99.9%

CPU and motherboard temperature?

Yes they have a temperature, even when they aren't sick.

What kind of temperature high or low?

the temperature is low because it is cold.

What is the low temperature in Michigan?

The average low temperature is 14.0 Fahrenheit