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Q: How many Africans were sold into slavery in Africa?
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Who first sold africans into slavery?

african and arabic traders

How was slavery different in Africa and America?

Not much difference. Africans captured Africans and either kept them, sold them to other Africans, or sold them to whites.

How was sub Saharan Africa affected by the European colonization of the Americas in the seventeenth century?

Many Africans were sold into slavery and sent to the Americas(studyisland answer)

Wasn't the first black man to be sold as a slave sold by another black man?

Many African Americans were sold into slavery by other Africans. Slavery was a common practice in Africa, so they sold slaves to the Europeans and took part in the slave trade.

What have many africans been sold into?

Many Africans have been historically sold into slavery, particularly during the transatlantic slave trade. This involved capturing and forcibly transporting Africans to the Americas to work on plantations and in other labor-intensive industries.

How was the sub-Saharan Africa affected by the European colonization of the Americas in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

Many Africans were sold into slavery and sent to the Americas(studyisland answer)

How was sub-Saharan Africa affected by the European colonization of the Americas in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

Many Africans were sold into slavery and sent to the Americas(studyisland answer)

How Africans felt and done with the slavery?

Africans who were enslaved experienced immense suffering, trauma, and loss of freedom. Many resisted slavery through acts of defiance, rebellion, and escape, as well as by maintaining cultural practices and forms of resistance. The legacies of slavery continue to impact African communities worldwide.

How where the west africans kingdoms invovled in slave trade?

They sold their enemies into slavery.

What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?

Africans from West Africa were taken to the Western Hemisphere and sold as slaves to the European colonists.

For those Africans who were sold into slavery the middle passage can be best described as?

the gruesome ocean voyage to America.

What does enslaved Africans mean?

Enslaved Africans refers to individuals from Africa who were captured, forced into slavery, and transported to work under brutal conditions in the Americas. This practice was prevalent during the transatlantic slave trade, where millions of Africans were forcibly brought to the New World to provide labor in industries such as agriculture and mining.