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Q: How many American flights to the moon?
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Use to find flights from many airlines... American usually has the best prices to S America.

How many states have AirCanada flights to and from their airports?

There are 48 American states that have Air Canada flights to and from their airports. America is the country that Air Canada has the most flights to and from.

How many times has the space shuttle been to the moon?

None, all six manned flights to the moon were made in Apollo spacecraft from 1969 to 1972.

How many flights does the average American take per year?

This summer I was on 9!

Does American Airlines have flights to Newcastle?

American airlines does have flights to Newcastle in the UK. However, the flights are not using American Airlines planes but are actually codeshares on British Airways, as they are One World Alliance partners with American.

How many Apollo missions was there?

17 total. 5 unmanned test flights, 12 manned flights (including Apollo 1 which was destroyed by fire on the pad). Of the manned flights there were 7 attemped moon landings, 6 of which were succesful.

What is the difference between American and Thai airlines?

The main difference between American and Thai airlines will be the different routes the airlines take. While American airlines will have many national and international flights around the US, Thai airlines, as it is smaller country will have few national flights but many international flights due to the nature of the holiday tourism in the country.

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flights over American cities

How many American flags are on the moon?

there are total 6 flags planted by astronauts !!!!

How many American astronauts have landed on the moon?

12 Americans have landed on the moon

Does American Airlines offer flights from Seattle to Chicago?

Yes, American Airlines does offer flights from Seattle to Chicago. They offer several flights a day and prices are relatively cheap for such flights, either one-way or round trip.

How many American astronauts have visted the moon?

12 men in total have been on the moon.