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Q: How many American miltary were killed during the Korean war?
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What was the American death poll in the Korean war?

it was when a american solider killed korean pople and ORANGE ICECREAM YAY THANKS MOM

How many American soldier were lost in the Korean war?

about 33,000 killed in action

How many US servicemen were killed in action during the Korean war?

Over 33.000

What was the total number of American killed in the Korean conflict?

This question is a bit unclear. If you are referring to the Korean war, 36,516 Americans were killed in that war. If you are referring to World War II, 418.500 Americans were killed in that war.

Why is OK represented by OK?

During the Korean War (I think)... the term O.K. mean't ''0 killed''

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Crispus Attucks was the first person killed during the American Revolutionary War. He was killed during the Boston Massacre.

What was the biggest number of American solders killed?

The biggest number of American soldiers killed was during the American civil war. more Americans were killed then then in every other war combined.

How many Korean soldiers died during world war 2?

Korea was a Japanese Colony during World War 2. There is o recorded Military deaths of any Korean Soldier but 450,000 Civilians were killed during World War 2.

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How many American's were killed in the Korea War?

According to the U.S. Department of Defense, the United States suffered 33,686 battle deaths, along with 2,830 non-battle deaths during the Korean War and 8,176 servicemen missing in action.

What was added to the Tomb of the Unknowns in 1958?

Six bodies of unknown soldiers were added to the Tomb of the Unknown in 1958. Two were soldiers killed during World War II and the other four were soldiers killed during the Korean War.

American Lt Col George was killed during what war?

LTC George Armstrong Custer was killed during the US Frontier Wars in 1876.