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Q: How many Btu does a man need daily?
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One gallon of diesel fuel is equal to 139,200 BTU. The man who invented the compression-ignition engine was Rudolf Diesel. This is where diesel fuel gets its name.

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A man that weighs 273 pounds at age 45 and is 5'8 in height needs a calorie intake of 2550 per day. This is for a man that lives a somewhat active lifestyle.

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People usually lose the urge to do it after two or three times. You can do it as many times as you feel like doing it.

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the daily bugle

How many carbohydrates should a 40 year old man take in daily?

Like other questions of this sort, the answer is that it depends on height, weight and activity.A tall man who does heavy physical work (such as construction) will need more carbohydrates and calories than a short man doing a sedentary office job.

What might the daily calorie intake be for a man?

The daily calorie intake for a normal healthy man should be 2500 a day.

What does Spider-Man do as an ordinary man?

A photographer for the Daily Bugle