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A typical CD has about 0.6 GB capacity.

Just over 26 full CDs will fit in 16 GB, more if the CD does not use its full capacity.

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Q: How many CDs can go on a 16 GB mp3 player?
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Does the Latte Espresso 16 GB Video MP3 Player have speakers?

I don't think so

What is the average price when you buy a Sony mp3 player?

Depending on storage capacity a Sony Mp3 player can run you anywhere from $40 to $108. They are offered in sizes from 4 GB to 16 GB, and in a variety of colors.

How much memory will I need to watch music videos on an MP3 player?

You will need at least 16 GB on memory to watch music videos on your MP3 player. It also depends on if you are deciding to keep them, or just view and discard.

Is a 16 GB phone a good amount to have?

--- For a computer's hard drive, its not too much. But 16 GB for an MP3 player is a fair amount of memory.

How many songs can a Sony Ericsson MP3 Player hold?

If you don't specify a portable mp3 player then it's possible to make a media player that would literally play a million of mp3s.A device like the WD TV by Western Digital can attach to two usb external hard drives.You can currently buy these with 3 terabytes.It's hard to be exact,but a Terabyte would hold a quarter million MP3's at least.Six Terabytes would probably hold close to 2 million mp3's.

What is the battery life of a Zune MP3 player?

There are different models of the Zune MP3 player, but the approximate battery life for the Zune 16 GB is about 24 hours. This also depends on what you're using. If you're playing videos, the battery time will be less than 24.

How many songs can16gb hold?

1 song is about 5 mb 1 gigabyte is 1000 megabytes 16000/5 = 3200 So a 16 gb mp3-player can hold about 3200 songs.

What is the smallest size mp3 player available and how much storage does it have?

One of the smallest brand name mp3 players available is the Ipod shuffle or nano. The storage ranges from 2 gigabytes for the ipod shuffle to the 16 gigabytes of the ipod nano.

A CD rack has 8 classical cds 5 pop cds and 3 rock cds two cds are chosen without replacement. what is the probability of choosing a rock CD then a classical CD?

3/16 * 7/15 = 21/240

What is the sampling rate in HZ of a music CD?

Standard audio CDs use a sample rate of 44.1 kHz, each sample has 16-bit resolution and there are two audio channels. 44,100 x 16 x 2 = 1,411,200 bits/s = 1,411 kbps. For comparison, the highest bit rate for MP3 is 320 kbps.