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It was rare for things didn't get to that point. Those who didn't want to be involved in such activities were usually transferred to other duties.

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none, or almost none.

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Q: How many German soldiers disobeying the orders of the holocaust in World War 2?
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Would soldiers be justified in disobeying orders?

A soldier would not only be justified it would be his duty to disobey an unlawful order.

Why was the Holocaust associated with Germany?

Have you ever heard of Hitler? He was the Nazi leader which is often considered as Germans which is a big stereotype. Hitler started the Holocaust so that is the connection___The Holocaust was carried out by men in German uniforms acting on orders passed down from their leaders. To put it simply: It was Germany that committed the Holocaust.

How do you write a thesis statement about soldiers following orders?

There are some circumstances in which it is better if soldiers do not follow their orders.

Do soldiers ever have a right or duty to disobey orders?

Only illegal orders.

What tactical commonality did the US Civil War and World War 1 share?

Trench warfare which was a major part of US Civil War tactics was also used in a large degree in WW 1. As an aside, over 2,000 soldiers were shot for disobeying orders in WW 1. Their disobedience was directly related to the fact that many soldiers refused orders to climb ladders out of their trenches and make almost suicidal assaults against the enemy in their trenches.

Does military law reqire soldiers to blindly follow orders?

No, military law does not require soldiers to blindly follow orders. Soldiers are expected to adhere to lawful orders, but they also have a responsibility to refuse or report orders that are illegal, violate human rights, or go against the principles of morality and ethics. This is known as the principle of lawful disobedience.

Were the people who carried out the Holocaust responsible for their actions or were they just following orders?

We are all responsible for our actions, whether obeying orders or not.

What is the name of the bugle call that ordered soldiers to sleep at night?

There is no bugle call which orders soldiers to sleep. There is 'Call to Quarters,' which orders soldiers to their rooms and 'Taps,' which calls for all lights to be extinguished.

Can you refuse to cross train in the military?

Soldiers are expected to follow orders, including orders about training.

How did Hitler use the laws strategically to make the Holocaust?

laws regarding the Holocaust were made retrospectively, as Hitler found out about what happened in the Holocaust, he backdated orders so that the actions were made to be legal.

What is the refusal of soldiers to obey orders?

Insubordination punishment

What were the alamo's many uses?

It was fist used as a mission, founded in 1718, and later converted to a fort by William Barrett Travis, after disobeying orders to destroy it.