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Q: How many Jewish civilians were murdered during the Holocaust?
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How many Jewish people were murdered during the Holocaust?

The generally accepted figure is about 6 million.

How many civilians died in Concentration Camps during the Holocaust?

The civilians of your mather and your father

How non Jews where murdered during the holocaust?

It has been estimated that at least 6 Million Non Jews were killed during the Holocaust, this includes 3 Million Soviet POW and 1.9 Million Non Jewish Poles.

Where were Jews murdered during the Holocaust?

All over

Was there a Jewish ruler during the Holocaust?

There was no Jewish state and no 'Jewish ruler'.

Were many Jews murdered during the Holocaust?

Yes, atleast 7 Million Jews died in the Holocaust.

Why were people murdered during the Holocaust plus?

11 Million people were murdered in the Holocaust. 6 million Jews and about 5 in a half Million "others".

How many political prisoners died during the Holocaust?

Around 200,000 political prisoners were systematically murdered during the Holocaust.

What were Jewish police during the holocaust called?

Jewish police

How many non jews were murdered during the holocaust?

6.5 million

What happened to the polish Jews during the holocaust?

Most were murdered by the Nazis.

Where was the first Holocaust Ghetto in Germany?

there were no Jewish ghettos in Germany during the Holocaust.