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Q: How many Nazis are in the U.S. congress?
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Did the Nazis establish schools in the us during World War 2 and shortly after?

No, the Nazis did not have schools in the US.No, the Nazis did not have schools in the US.

What did US soldiers call Nazis?

I know of many that called them krauts.

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How many different members have served in the US House of Congress since its inception?

Since the US Constitution was adopted, todate, how many different people have served in the US COngress and the US Senate?

How many different Congresses has the US had?

The US has had only one Congress.

How did the US respond to the Jewish treatment by the Nazis?

Many in the public were shocked at what treatment had occurred.

How many US Senators are congress?

100 in the senate

How many days does the us congress meet?

it varies

How many reprsentatives does Colorado have?

Seven in the US Congress.

How many sentos are in congress?

There are 100 US Senators in Congress. Each of the 50 states have 2 Senators to represent the state in Congress.

How many seats did the US Congress first have?

when the U.S. congress was first created it only had 65 seats.