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Q: How many Santa Claus is giving presents?
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Related questions

How many children does Santa Claus have?

none, that's why he gives everyone presents :)

How many Santa Claus movies are there?

3. The Santa Claus, The Santa Claus 2, and The Santa Claus 3: The Escape Claus

What is the work of Santa Claus and who is he?

Santa Clause is a man who brings you presents on Christmas. He works in a toy factory in the North Pole with many little elf's.

Did Santa Claus have dwarfs?

Santa has elves who came to work for him. He doesn't usually see many dwarves, unless they are coming to visit, or he is delivering presents to them.

How many words in Santa Claus?

There are 2 words in "Santa Claus."

What do children call Father Christmas in the Netherlands?

Santa Claus is called "de kerstman". Though many children don't get presents from him, but from "Sinterklaas". He is a special form of Santa Claus (one of its predecessors). "Sinterklaas" his birthday is celebrated on 5 December each year.

How many people believe in Santa Claus?

A lot of people believe in Santa claus, (children in general!!)

Is Santa left handed?

Little-known fact: Santa is actually ambidextrous. He sometimes favors his left, and sometimes his right. Just depends on his mood.

How many Santa Claus is there?


Why do the people in Ireland call their Santa Santa Claus?

People in Ireland call him Santy, Santa and Santa Claus. Santa Claus comes from Saint Nicholas and can then be shortened to Santa Claus or just Santa or Santy. So people in Ireland use those names, like people in many countries do.

How many times does Santa Claus check his list in the song Santa Claus is coming to town?

In the song Santa Claus is coming to town he checks him list 2 times

How many syllables are in the word Santa Claus?

Three-- santa(2) + claus(1) = 3.