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Q: How many War Of The World movies are there?
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How was Hollywood effected by World War 2?

many hollywod directors began making world war two movies.

What movies in world war 2 did they use bicycles?

Some World War 2 movies are: Flags of Our Fathers, The Thin Red Line, and Enemy At the Gates. The Dirty Dozen and Empire of the Sun are also World War 2 movies.

How many war movies?

there are 6 movies in all

What kind of movies did people watch in war world 1?

Mostly Egg Movies

How many world war 1 movies have been made?

176 Films and TV Series were made about WW1

How were movies affected by World War 2?

WW2 films contrasted greatly. There were happy musicals and gloomy film noir films. Many propaganda movies glorified war while others provided an escape from its harsh realities. The government used movies to influence the public perception of war.

What replaced Nickelodeons after World War 1?

movies movietheatres

What did Gene Autry do in World War 2?

Made movies

What is the highest grossing World War Two movie?

There are many high grossing movies about World War Two. The highest grossing World War Two movie is called "Saving Private Ryan", which received eleven Academy Award nominations.

How much did it cost to go to the movies during World War 2?

During World War 2 it cost only twenty five cents to go to the movies. When someone went to the movies, it was usually a double feature, which means they showed two movies, one after another.?æ

Why were movies so popular in the 1940s?

1945 was the end of World War 2. During this time many wanted an escape from the darkness of those times so they went to the movies. Also, after wars, there are stories to be told. Many great books (not necessarily about the war, but influenced by it like Lord of the Flies) are made after wars. Same with movies.

How did Americans get war news in World War II?

Americans heard news about the war in Fireside Chats from FDR. They also read newspapers and many saw news reels when they went to the movies.