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one.unlese it is a huge ant!

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Q: How many abdomens do ants have?
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Related questions

What is ant urine?

Ants do not urinate. They secrete mostly dry pellets. Some species of ants can spray, smear, or sting with unpleasant liquids from their abdomens, but it is not urine.

How do honey pot ants survive in the desert?

The honey pot workers are ants that are fed food until the abdomens distend into the trademark honey colored orb shape. When times are lean the colony can draw nutrients from these workers.

How many ants is too many ants?

between 20 and 30. :)

Where are Wings of insects?


How many pages does The Ants have?

The Ants has 746 pages.

How many times the ants molt?

Zero times the ants molt. Ants do not molt.

How many ants can fit inside the Tower of London?

It depends on whether they are curr ants, penn ants or tyr ants.

Do ants use communication to tell each other where to find food.?

True but they do it with chemicals and smell, not the way we do. They mark a trail with a pheromone to the food with their abdomens. They have other chemicals to indicate other things as well, like an attack on the colony, etc.

What eats a siafu ant?

There are many birds that will eat siafu ants. These ants are also known as safari ants or driver ants.

How many ants there in the world?

Actually there are 17,678,577,670 ants in the world.

Why do men have fat abdomens?

That is a stereotype

How many ants are at a picnic if there are several uninvited ants at a picnic in the park and among the 9 guests that are ants or people there are 30 legs all together How many ants are at the picnic?
