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In the US it's 1,2 million a year divided with 365 days (although abortions are not performed every day) which gives about 3288 abortions a day.

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Q: How many abortions are performed everyday?
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How many abortions were performed in the US in 2013?

About 1,200,000.

How many abortions were performed in 2011 by planned parenthood?

1,2 million women and teens have abortions in the US every year in different clinics and hospitals. Some PPL clinics perform abortions and others refer to a doctor who can. How many they perform they will not reveal. Out of the clinics that performed abortions 3% of everything they did was abortions. But they did help prevent about 621,000 unintended pregnancies.

How many abortions were performed in the US in 2012?

The last statistics reported were from 2009. There were 784,507 abortions that year. So about 2,150 an hour.

How many abortions are performed in US per hour?

The last statistics reported were from 2009. There were 784,507 abortions that year. So about 2,150 an hour.

What is an abortuary?

An abortuary is a derogatory name for a place where abortions are performed.

Are abortions dangerous?

Abortions are not risk free. Any medical procedure carries risks. Early abortions are very minor procedures and the risks are minor ones. If you go to Planned Parenthood they can go over the risks involved with you.

How many abortions were performed one year before Roe v. Wade?

In 1972 there were 586,760 legal abortions but not all states reported in.It can be compared to that according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there were 820,151 legal induced abortions in the US in 2005 but also not all states reported in. The true number was 1,2 million.

How can you stop the pregnancy in natural way?

Abortions should only be performed, where legal, by a qualified doctor.

When did abortions start like 1970's?

Before 1973, abortions were being performed in the U.S.; they were, however, illegal. Roe v. Wade (argued December 13, 1971, reargued October 11, 1972, and decided January 22, 1973) made abortions legal in the U.S. That date is when legal abortions started in the U.S.

How many abortions are there per year in Connecticut?

The last statistics reported were from 2009. There were 13,651 abortions that year.

Did the Nazi invent abortions?

no abortions go back to the ancient Egyptians and probably before that. It was def around before the Nazis and many women died in backalley abortions.

How many abortions can you have in Australia?

As many as you want (how many are you planning to have?)