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Normal gametes should contain one allele from each gene.

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Q: How many alleles does a normal gamete have?
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How many chromosomes are in each gamete?

Gametes carry half the number of normal chromosomes as a body cell. Since there are normally 46, this means there are 23 chromosomes in a human gamete.

Why do zygotes have different allele combinations from the gametes they result from?

When two gametes fuse to make a zygote, cross bridges form between the DNA from the two gametes. During cell division, the two gametes then separate, with some of the parts of gamete 1 being transferred to gamete 2 and vice versa. This recombination allows genetic diversity to occur. A gamete with ABCDE alleles will therefore "recombine" with a gamete with FGHIJ alleles to make, for example, ABHDJ cells. The new sequence will be replicated in subsequent cells.

What determines which allele of each pair goes into a gamete?

The process of allele segregation during gamete formation is determined by the random assortment of chromosomes during meiosis. Homologous pairs of chromosomes separate independently, and each resulting gamete randomly receives one copy of each chromosome. This random assortment leads to the random segregation of alleles, determining which allele of each pair goes into a gamete.

What is the Number of chromosomes in a normal body gamete called?

Haploid (?)

How does dropping the stick on the table and transcribing the letters on the sides facing up follow Mendels Law of Segregation?

Dropping the sick simulates segregation because it determines what alleles end up in the gamete. You can't have both alleles.

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