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Q: How many allies does the British troop have?
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Who where the allies?

The allies where the british, the soviet union, and the U.S

Who became famous for spreading news of British troop movements?

Paul Revere: "The British are coming! The British are coming!"

British Allies during the Revolutionary war?

Britain had no allies.

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England the british troop

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Three allies, Great Britain, The United States, and British Canada. They were all fighting Nazi Germany.

What countries were allies during the seven year?

French and Indians were allies. Colonists and British were allies.

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Allies. He was British Prime Minister.

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Mapping British troop positions

What color symbolized British troop?

Hawaii mola Mohammad in 1832

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Captain Preston

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They were allies with both the French and British. Then they gave trading rights to the British making them there allies.

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French and Indians were allies. Colonists and British were allies.