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Q: How many and how long did it take to build the pyramids of Khafre?
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How long did it take to build the great pyramid at Egypt?

All it takes to Build a pyramid is a little pixie dust and your imagination. with that, anything can come true! I'm KIDDING! it took thousands of slaves and many years to build the pyramids.

How many pyramids did the ancient Egyptian build out of gold?

they didnt build any of pyramids out of gold

What are some of egypts pyramids that are known well?

Djoser Khufu Khafre Menkaure In 1842 Karl Richard Lepsius made a list of 67 pyramids, now about twice as many are known.

What are the different kind of pyramids are in ancient Egypt and who are in them?

There are Many, But the Types are Stepped-Pyramid and the Sloping Pyramid. The Great Pyramids of Giza were for; Pharoah Khufu Pharoah Khafre Pharoah Menkaure The are other pyramids, However dotted around egypt.

How many pyramids did Horus the falcon god build?

None, the ancient Egyptian people build the pyramids.

How many pyramids were build in Egypt?


Do other cultures build pyramids besides Egyptians?

yes there were many cultures that built pyramids

How many people did it take to build a pyramids?

Depends on the size. According to the greek historian Herodotus it took 100,000 naked slaves twenty years to build the Great Pyramid at Gizeh. More modern scholars estimate a much lower figure varying from 10,000 to 30,000.

How many rooms are in Khafre's pyramid?

30 rooms in Khafre's pyramid.

How many pyramids did Akhenaten build?

tell us then how many pyramids did he build or was it just one or a tomb?answer this for me please!

What are all the names of all the pyramids?

The 138 pyramids in Egypt don't exactly have names. They were intended to be the tombs of the kings who build them. However in popular culture they are often named after the kings who built them. Some are also 'named' because of their unique characteristics. Examples are The Step Pyramid, The Bent Pyramid and The Red Pyramid. The pyramids at Giza are probably the best known in the world, and they are the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure. Khufu's, The Great Pyramid, is the largest Egyptian pyramid. In this famous grouping Khafre's is next in size followed by Menkaure's. Khafre was the son of Khufu, and Menkaure was the son of Menkaure. The Red Pyramid of Shofru is believed to be the first successful smooth sided pyramid, and it also has most of its original smooth finishing stonework. Saying that it was the first successful smooth sided pyramid reflects the fact that it was designed and built to be smooth sided right from the beginning; it was not build like The Step Pyramid, layered mastabas, where the resulting steps were filled in afterwards.

How many levels are there in the pyramid of Khufu?

Thee are 2.3 million limestone blocks used to build the praymid Kufu. There are 1.3 million blocks are used to build the praymid Khafre.