

Best Answer

None. Apollo 11, commanded by Neil Armstrong, was the first

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Q: How many appollo landings were there before Neil Armstrong?
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How many moon landings were there after Neil Armstrong landed on the moon?


Where did Neil Armstrong immigrate before he came to America?

Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. He did not immigrate there.

What country was Neil Armstrong in before he went to the moon?

Neil Armstrong was and remains a US citizen.

What appollo did Neil take?

Apollo 11

What did Neil Armstrong do before any other person in the world?

Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon.

Who was the man to step foot on the moon?

Neil Armstrong who was video this it cant be neil Armstrong somebody was must there before him video in him

Was there any one else that stepped on the moon before Neil Armstrong?

Nope. Neil Armstrong was the FIRST person on the Moon.

Is the apostrophe in the right place Neil Armstrongs'footprints'?

No. Since his name is "Neil Armstrong" and "footprints" is just referring to 'the number of something' owned by Neil Armstrong; the correct plural for both words would be Neil Armstrong's footprints.

Was Neil Armstrong rich before he walked on the moon?

No, he was not.

When neil Armstrong have an affair?

There were rumors that Lance Armstrong had an affair while married, but he hasn't admitted to it openly. Neil Armstrong had been a Navy pilot before becoming an astronaut.

What state was Neil Armstrong in before he flew into space?

He was wooryus

Did anyone else go into space before Neil Armstrong?

Yes. A lot of people went into space before Neil Armstrong; he would be known as 'the first person in space' otherwise.