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Q: How many are homless in aberdeen?
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How many homless are there?

about i to 1.7 million!

How many constituencies are there in Aberdeen?

There are five parliamentary constituencies in Aberdeen, Scotland. Aberdeen Central Aberdeen South and North Kincardine Aberdeen Donside Aberdeen North Aberdeen South

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A homless treehugger is my homie braaah

What country in aberdeen in?

There are many cities named Aberdeen. There is the City of Aberdeen, probably the most well known Aberdeen, in the County of Aberdeenshire in the North East of Scotland. In the United States there is: Aberdeen, Arkansas Aberdeen, California Aberdeen, Florida Aberdeen, Georgia Aberdeen, Ohio County, Indiana Aberdeen, Porter County, Indiana Aberdeen, Kentucky Aberdeen, Maryland Aberdeen, Mississippi Aberdeen, New Jersey Aberdeen, North Carolina Aberdeen, Ohio Aberdeen, Pennsylvania Aberdeen, South Dakota Aberdeen, Washington Aberdeen, West Virginia In Canada there is: Parish of Aberdeen in Western New Brunswick Aberdeen, Nova Scotia Aberdeen, Grey County, Ontario Aberdeen, Saskatchewan There is an Aberdeen in South Africa. There is an Aberdeen in Sierra Leone. There is an Aberdeen in Hong Kong. There is an Aberdeen in Sri Lanka. There is an Aberdeen in Upper Hunter Shire, New South Wales, Australia.

How many miles from leeds to aberdeen?

Leeds to Aberdeen = 351.4 miles

How many pages does Gods of Aberdeen have?

Gods of Aberdeen has 369 pages.

What country is Aberdeen located in?

There are many cities named Aberdeen. There is the City of Aberdeen, probably the most well known Aberdeen, in the County of Aberdeenshire in the North East of Scotland. In the United States there is: Aberdeen, Arkansas Aberdeen, California Aberdeen, Florida Aberdeen, Georgia Aberdeen, Ohio County, Indiana Aberdeen, Porter County, Indiana Aberdeen, Kentucky Aberdeen, Maryland Aberdeen, Mississippi Aberdeen, New Jersey Aberdeen, North Carolina Aberdeen, Ohio Aberdeen, Pennsylvania Aberdeen, South Dakota Aberdeen, Washington Aberdeen, West Virginia In Canada there is: Parish of Aberdeen in Western New Brunswick Aberdeen, Nova Scotia Aberdeen, Grey County, Ontario Aberdeen, Saskatchewan There is an Aberdeen in South Africa. There is an Aberdeen in Sierra Leone. There is an Aberdeen in Hong Kong. There is an Aberdeen in Sri Lanka. There is an Aberdeen in Upper Hunter Shire, New South Wales, Australia.

How many miles is it from Peterhead to Aberdeen?

32 miles taking A90 ABERDEEN.

How many people were left homless in hati?

at least 100,000 because that is about how many people died

How many homeless people were there in this Kobe earthquake?

around 300,000 people were homless