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Q: How many artificial satellites does Uranus have?
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Does Uranus have many satellites or a few?

Uranus had 27 known moons last time I checked. There are no artificial satellites.

How many satellites uranus believe to have?

As of right now, Uranus is believed to have 27 satellites.

How many satellites have been to uranus?

100 and there is life on uranus... go check

How many satellite does uranus have?

Uranus has 24 known natural satellites.

Do all planets have an artificial satellites?

No. There are no artificial satellites orbiting Mercury, Uranus, or Neptune. Mercury has had artificial satellites in the past that were deliberately deorbited when their missions ended. The space probe Voyager 2 flew by Uranus and Neptune, but since it never orbited them, it cannot be considered a satellite. Similarly, New Horizons flew by Pluto, which is no longer considered a planet. The one space probe orbiting Saturn, named Cassini, will be deorbited in September 2017.

How many satellites are on Saturn and Uranus?

Saturn has 62 moons and Uranus has 27 moons.

How many unnatural satellites has the planet Uranus?


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what satellites or robots have expored uranus

What are the names of the satellites or robots that have explored uranus?

what satellites or robots have expored uranus

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How many artificial satellites circle the earth?

over a thousand artificial satellites. the first artificial satellite was sputnik. the only natural satellite earth has is the moon