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Q: How many atoms are an example of unity?
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How do atoms show both unity and diversity?

All atoms of one kind share common properties

What is an example of ethical unity?

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What is the example of unity of direction?

An example of unity is when the majority of the American public voted for Barack Obama. An example sentence would be, "Barack Obama was elected President of the United States because of the obvious unity of the American public."

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How many atoms are in a particular element are in a compound?

It depends upon the compound. For example, H2O has three atoms, two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

How do you say unity in many different languages?


How do atoms show unity and diversity?

Atoms form millions of molecules

Give an example of the chemical formula of a compound What does this example tell you about the compound?

The formula of a compound called methane is CH4. This formula shows, among many other things, that there are four times as many hydrogen atoms as carbon atoms in methane and that each molecule contains 5 total atoms.

How many atoms are needed for a molecule to have a tetrahedral geometry?

Four. Ammonia (NH3) is an example.

Do simple sugars contain as many carbon atoms as oxygen atoms?

o2 oxygen has no carbon atoms. C.12 H,22 O,11 is an example of a sugar's chemistry.

What is avogandro's number?

Avogadro's number, approximately 6 x 1023, tells us how many atoms molecules are in a mol. For example, it tells us approximately how many hydrogen atoms in a gram of hydrogen, how many carbon atoms in 12 grams, etc.

What is a real life example of atoms?

ATOMS are real life examples of atoms. They do exist.