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Two atoms of Sodium

One atom of Chlorine

10 Atoms of Carbon

20 Atoms of Hydrogen

5 Atoms of Oxygen

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12h ago

There are 2 atoms in NaCl (1 Na, 1 Cl), 19 atoms in C6H12O6 (6 C, 12 H, 6 O), 4 atoms in NaCO3 (1 Na, 1 C, 3 O), 11 atoms in C3H8O (3 C, 8 H, 1 O).

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Q: How many atoms are in each of the chemical formulas NaCLC6H12ONaCO3C3H8O?
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What are all chemical formulas called?

All chemical formulas are called chemical notations. They represent the elements and the number of atoms of each element present in a compound.

In a chemical formulas the number of a Atoms for each element is usually indicated by a?

its usually indicated by a subscript! :D

How does the chemical formula of a compound relate to the relative number of atoms in the compound?

The chemical formula of a compound provides information about the elements present in the compound and the ratio in which they are combined. The subscripts in the chemical formula indicate the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound.

In a chemical formula what is used to indicate the number of atoms of each element?

It is called a subscript. For example: In the formula for water (H2O), 2 is the subscript indicating that there are 2 hydrogen atoms in the compound .

What is a formulas?

Well, generally a formula is a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement. In chemistry, chemical formula or molecular formula is a way of expressing information about the atoms that constitute a particular chemical compound. For example formula of Sodium hydroxide is (NaOH), formula of methane is (CH4) etc. -or- A chemical formula is a concise way of expressing information about the atoms that constitute a particular chemical compound. It identifies each type of element by its chemical symbol and identifies the number of atoms of such element to be found in each discrete molecule of that compound. Glucose with six atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms and six oxygen atoms has the chemical formula: C6H12O6 Hope this helps. _______________________________________________________________ The chemical formula for water is H20

Chemical formulas represent the number and element of each type of atom in?

a molecule or compound. Each element is represented by its chemical symbol (e.g. H for hydrogen), and the number of atoms of each element is denoted by a subscript following the symbol (e.g. H2O for water).

What part of the chemical equation tells the number of atoms of each element?

That depends on the nature of the reaction. For a typical reaction, it will be the subscript following the symbol of the element multiplied by the coefficient. For example, in Na2SO4 there will be 2 Na atoms, 1 S atom and 4 O atoms. If the reaction was 2 Na2SO4, there would be 4 Na atoms, 2 S atoms and 8 O atoms.

Every balanced chemical equation each side has the same number of?

same number of each element

What are subcripts used for in chemical formulas?

They show how many atoms of each element are in a molecule.For instanceSF6is sulfur hexafluoride. It has one atom of sulfur and six of fluorine; the subscripted 6 shows the number of fluorine atoms.

Do superscript numbers in chemical formulas tell how many atoms of each element are found in a unit of compound?

No. The function described in the question is performed by subscript, not superscript, numbers.

What identifies and element?

Atoms are differentiated by their number of protons. This is equal to the atomic number of the element. Additionally, in chemical formulas, each element is represented by a unique atomic symbol.

WHAT CHEMICAL shows the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound.?

It is important to know the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound for the chemical composition.