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Q: How many atoms does a liquid have more than a solid?
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Does the atoms inside a liquid have more free energy than the atoms inside of a solid?

It depends on how many atoms or molecules are inside the object.

Is it true or false that atoms in a gas move more rapidly than atoms in a liquid or a solid do?

it is true atoms in a gas move faster than a liquid and atoms in a liquid move faster than atoms in a solid

Are atoms in a solid changed when the solid becomes a liquid?

No, they will vibrate more but they didn't change.

How is the space of atoms in a solid different from a liquid and a gas?

A solid is more compact.

What is the only difference between liquid or molten steel and solid steel?

Energy. The atoms in solid steel are moving more slowly than the atoms in liquid steel.

Solid or liquid argon have greater density?

Matter has more density when solid than when in a liquid state. The atoms are closer together.

How can you compare the movement of the atoms in liquid steel and solid steel?

In liquid steel, the atoms are more free and can move around like water. In solid steel the atoms are tightly packed and cannot move at all.

What is the difference between a solid and a liquid?

Atoms of a solid are closer to one another, and do not have the energy to shift positions. The atoms of a liquid are more loosely connected, and can adjust to various physical shapes.

Can liquid change its shape?

because the atoms in the liquid moves faster than a solid and has more freedom.

Are atoms in magma free?

If you mean solid state, or liquid or gas, by are the atoms free, i thinks its more of a halfway in between solid and liquid, if that's not what your looking for, maby some1 else will tell ya

How does solid and liquid differ from each other?

solid- atoms more tightly packed specific shape and volume liquid- atoms slightly less tightly packed, no specific shape, specific volume

Are the atoms in liquid sulphur the same as in solid sulphur?

Yes, they are the same atoms, but they have more energy as a liquid, and so don't bond in the same way. Its the bonds between the atoms that changes.