

How many authors are in the world?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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How many authors are there?

we can't tell it, really..there are a lot of authors all over the world... :)

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Writers write about what is interesting to them. The world of science and technology are fascinating worlds, and many authors like to write about new ideas and concepts.

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it is a collaboration of many authors; it is not by one person but many people. Like a dictionary.

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It sent many books by African American authors. APEX

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The Library of Congress sent many books by African Americans to the Paris Worlds' Fair

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Many authors have been.

How do you reference a book with many authors?

When referencing a book with many authors, include the names of all the authors in the citation using the "et al." abbreviation after the first author's name if there are more than three authors. In the reference list, list all the authors' names.

Is there a pension for authors?

Some countries, and some states in some countries, have instigated pension for authors, which is provided from state funds or by writers' co-operatives, authors' guilds or authors' publishing organizations. Most of the countries in the world are yet to provide for authors' pension.

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He is to me.

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