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2 auto injectors will be used in a nerve agent casualty.

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Q: How many auto injectors are required for a nerve agent casualty?
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How many auto injectors will be used for a nerve agent casualty?


During Buddy Care for a nerve agent casualty's no more than a total of auto-injectors will be used?


How many auto injectors do you need for a nerve agent casualty?

You will need to use 2 auto injectors for self aid in a nerve agent emergency; they should be labelled 1 & 2. If you are administering buddy care, use up to 3 sets of auto injectors in addition to the CANA auto injector.

For a nerve agent casualty no more than a total of how many auto injectors will be used?

You will need to use 2 auto injectors for self aid in a nerve agent emergency; they should be labelled 1 & 2. If you are administering buddy care, use up to 3 sets of auto injectors in addition to the CANA auto injector.

How many auto injectors will be used during the buddy care for a nerve agent casualty?

The buddy care use of auto injectors is almost the same as individual use; 2 auto injectors are required for initial use. You will then need to determine if additional injections are required. If they are, use up to three sets of the auto injectors (no more). Upon completion of the injections, lastly administer the CANA auto injector to prevent convulsions.

How many auto injectors for a nerve agent?

3 autoinjectors

How many autoinjectors can you use for a nerve agent casualty?


During Buddy Care for a nerve agent casualty no more how autoinjectors will be used?

Never administer more than 3 autoinjectors to a casualty.

During Buddy Care for a nerve agent casualty no more than a total of autoinjectors will be used?


Which type of chemical warfare agent can take hours to cause casualty-producing effects?

nerve agents

What total of autoinjectors will be used for a nerve agent casualty?

Do not use more than three ATNAAs. The white injector, CANA, is to be used when severe nerve-agent poisoning symptoms are present and all three ATNAAs have been administered.

If you are exposed to a nerve agent how many CANA auto-injections should you administer to yourself or to a casualty before seeking medical guidance?
