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Q: How many b24 bombers were built per day during WW2?
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What were kamiazes?

First of all, they're kamikazes.They were Japanese bombers during WW2 that would dive into buildings to kill people.Put simply, they were suicide bombers

How many hurricanes were made during World War 2?

Approximately 14,235 Hurricanes were built in total but many were built before WW2.

How many submarines in the US Navy?

During WW2 the US Navy built 126 submarines.

How were American bombers used in both the European and Pacific Theatres during WW2?

Strategic bombing of cities and factories

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cars built during WW2

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Germany during WW2

Who turned their automobile plant into an assembly line for making bombers?

Henry Ford produced the B24 Liberator bomber during WW2 .

When was Hitler's bunker built?

Sometime during ww1 then rebuilt in ww2

Where was the first modern helicopter built?

In Stratford, Connecticutt