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3500 a day or 1,3 million a year.

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Q: How many babies are aborted each day on average in the US only?
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How many of the babies aborted in America are female?


How many babies are born each day on average in mexico?

On average, 7086 babies are born each day in Mexico (2015 estimates).

How many babies are born in the US each year with birth defects?

Approximately 120,000 babies in the United States are born each year with birth defects. These defects can range from mild to severe and may be caused by genetic factors, environmental exposures, or a combination of both. Early detection and intervention can help manage the effects of birth defects.

How many babyies were killed this past of day?

If you talk about abortion - none. In an abortion only embryos and fetuses are aborted, no live already born babies and no one in week 38 either. In the US 3500 embryos and fetuses are aborted a day though.

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Varies the average dog produces 5 babies each litter

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On average, each litter has two cubs.

How many females are aborted each year in us?

It is estimated that around 500,000 female fetuses are aborted each year in the United States. This practice, known as sex-selective abortion, is a controversial issue with concerns about gender discrimination.

How many babies can a elephant have at a time?

they can have upto two babies but the average is one

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The average skink can have 5-15 babies a year.

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All hamsters can have 5 - 12 babies with the average of 10 babies.

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