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Q: How many babies can a mother dolphin give birth to at one time?
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Does an dolphin lay egg or does it give birth to love babies?

It's a mammal so it gives birth to babies.

If the mother is o plus and the father is o plus what type of babies do they give birth to?

The Mother will give birth to babies with Blood Type O,

What is the clasification for a shark?

Shark, dolphin and whales are mammals and they give birth to their babies.

Does dolphin give birth to young or eggs?

Dolphins are mammals, so they give birth to a live baby dolphin. A mother dolphin gives birth in the water, and her baby is called a "calf." It takes about twelve months for it to be born.

What is the rate that a dolphin will die at birth?

Giving birth to larger offspring tends to be more dangerous and difficult for both mother and baby. Dolphins only give birth to one baby every three to six years and dolphin babies suffer a 25 percent mortality rate.

How many babies can an irrawaddy dolphin give birth to?

Irrawaddy Dolphins are known to be able to have up to 3 babies at a time.

Do babies come from a field of babies?

No, they come from women who give birth to them. Ask your mother where babies come from.

How long does it take to give birth to a dolphin?

It takes 12 months for a dolphin to give birth to another dolphin (calf).

Do mother jaguars give birth to babies?

Yes, jaguars have live births.

Is the sea dolphin a fish?

No. Dolphins are mammals, meaning they give birth to live babies, unlike fish, which lay eggs.

Does a dolphin give birth in a hole?


Is a dolphin a mamml?

Yes, dolphins are mammals. They are warm-blooded creatures that give birth to live young and nurse the babies for two to three years.