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i had triplets... but i read you can have quadruplets too. if you want triplets, read total preggers: An expecting mothers tale, and baby incoming : preparing for vigilance while listening to the kids station on the radio, on high. Watch the kids tv channel while listening to the kids radio station, still on high. If you want boys eat three apples in a row, and if you want girls eat three slices of watermelon in a row. Hope this helps you. Also if you have trouble keeping your sim in one spot you should buil a basement house, and lock the door during her pregnancy forcing her to read the books and watch the tv and listen to the radio.

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Q: How many babies can a sim have at the same time?
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How many babies can your sim have on sims 1 for ps2?

You can have 8 sims, so 6 babies

How Can you have more than one babies on sim's busting out?

If you mean twins at the same time no. but if you wait until the other baby is a child then yes you can have another.

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Okay, I've had this problem so many times. All you have to do is Ctrl + Shift + C at the same time. Type resetsim babies name. Example: Resetsim Joe Smith. It may take a few moments but it will load eventually.

How many babies can you have on sims?

As many you want but you can only have up to 10 people in one house at a time and if a sim has to much 'woohoo' he/she might die of ehustion, it can happen.

Can alien sims have babies?

yes the can have babies the same way anyother sim can. if you cant then you maybe have more than ten pple counting animals

How does alien babies have babies?

The Sim codes exchange chromosomes. Sim cells divide. But, the Sim Developers will hold the secret of just how the magic of "birth" occurs!

Can your sim on sim castaway on wii have babies?

Unfortunately, the sims on Sims Castaway for Wii cannot have babies. But, they could marry.

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Does the SIM card have to be manufactured by the same company as the phone itself?

SIM cards do not have to be manufactured by the same company as the phone itself. There are many manufacturers of SIM cards out there.

How many babies can you have on sims 2 pets?

There is no limit to the amount of kids your Sim can have in any of the games, the female Sim can have as many kids as she wants during the 28 days it takes for them to become elders, the only limit is that only eight Sims can live on one lot at a time.

What is the cheat to have 400 babies in sim's?

There is no cheat to have 400 babies, that is a game glitch.

How many days until the male sim has an alien baby?

same as girl sim. 3.