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rabbits can have as many babies as posibble but it is unfair to make them have too many !

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Q: How many babies do a pair of rabbits usually have in one year?
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Do wild rabbits have babies in nov in Missouri?

Month #1 - After one month, the two rabbits have mated but have not given birth. Therefore, there is still only one pair of rabbits. Month #2 - After two months, the first pair of rabbits gives birth to another pair, making two pair in all. Month #3 - After three months, the original pair gives birth again, and the second pair mate, but do not give birth. This makes three pair. Month #4 - After four months, the original pair give birth, and the pair born in month #2 give birth. The pair born in month #3 mate, but do not give birth. This makes two new pair, for a total of five pair. Month #5 - After five months, every pair that was alive two months ago gives birth. This makes three new pair, for a total of eight. Read more: How Many rabbits (including the young of the babies) could be born within a year? How do you come up with that answer? | Answerbag

From a pair how many rabbits may be reproduced in a year?

Female rabbits are pregnant for only a month before they give birth but usually you would give them a rest between birth and conception especially if you are raising the young. I would say a safe number for a pair to reproduce in a year would be 3-4 if that.

What is a hunting term for a pair of rabbits?

A pair of any small game (rabbits, ducks, etc.) is called a brace.

How did the Fibonacci sequence get discovered?

Discovery of the Fibonacci sequenceThe discovery of the Fibonacci sequence arose as the solution to a problem that required a mathematical approach. Leonardo Fibonacci, who was also known as Leonardo of Pisa, an Italian mathematician of the 13th Century, was trying to model the population of rabbits. His working hypothesis was that each pair of rabbits gave birth to a pair of baby rabbits in a period. In the next period, the babies were not yet old enough to breed but the original pair bred again. In the following period, the original as well as the babies from the first period bred. And so on. The number of pairs of rabbits in any period is given by the Fibonacci sequence.

Can two male rabbits have babies together?

It is usually not advised to keep two male rabbits together, especially if there are females nearby. However, if the pair are acquired together as youngsters, like littermates, and neutered before they reach sexual maturity, the chances for successful cohabitation greatly increases.

Hunting term for a pair of rabbits?


How did the Fibonacci sequence come about?

It is said that he was attempting to simulate the population of rabbits. In the initial period there was one pair of baby rabbbits. In the next period they reached an intermediate age. In the third period they bred, to produces one pair of baby rabbits. In the next period, the mature rabbits bred again while the babies grew to the intermediate age. And so it continued, with the rabbits growing from birth to intermediate to adults stage and all adults producing offspring for ever more.

What specific animals are related to rabbits?

Bunnies and hares. All hares and rabbits probably descend from a single pair.

Assume that a pair of rabbits produces 6 offspring and that half are male and half are female If each pair of rabbits breeds only once how many offspring would be produced each year for 5 years?

35 babys for the female and about 5 females a male rabbit.

Hinky pinky for twin rabbits?

hare pair

How many parallel faces does a pentahedron have?

Usually none, but it can have one pair.