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Q: How many babies do gray whales have a year?
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How many gray whales are killed by the US?

No gray whales are killed. Indigenous communities in Alaska kill 50 bowhead whales a year.

How much babies do gray whales have in a lifetime?

Breeding behavior is complex and often involves three or more gray whales. The Gestation period is about one year, and females reproduce biennially. The calf is born tail first, and measures about 4 meters in length at birth. The Gray Whales give birth to their young in shallow lagoon waters. This is done to protect the newborn from predators like sharks and orcas

How often are the gray fox babies born?

Gray foxes are born once per year in April or May.

How many whales are beached a year?

100 whales a year

What color eyes babies have at birth?

When babies are born their eyes are slate gray to blue, the colour may change over the first year of life.

How many babies are born in Europe in a year?

12 babies a year

What is some information on gray whales breeding?

Breeding behavior is complex and often involves three or more gray whales. The Gestation period is about one year, and females reproduce biennially. The calf is born tail first, and measures about 4 meters in length at birth. The Gray Whales give birth to their young in shallow lagoon waters. This is done to protect the newborn from predators like sharks and orcas

How do gray whales take care of there young?

Breeding behavior is complex and often involves three or more gray whales. The Gestation period is about one year, and females reproduce biennially. The calf is born tail first, and measures about 4 meters in length at birth. The Gray Whales give birth to their young in shallow lagoon waters. This is done to protect the newborn from predators like sharks and orcas

How long are gray whales pregnant?

Breeding behavior is complex and often involves three or more gray whales. The Gestation period is about one year, and females reproduce biennially. The calf is born tail first, and measures about 4 meters in length at birth. The Gray Whales give birth to their young in shallow lagoon waters. This is done to protect the newborn from predators like sharks and orcas

How many times can a shihtzu have babies a year?

it depends on how many babies she has

Can gray hair grow on a 4 month year old babies?

Yes, it means ur baby is blonde

Where do gray whales give birth to their young?

Yes. Breeding behavior is complex and often involves three or more gray whales. The Gestation period is about one year, and females reproduce biennially. The calf is born tail first, and measures about 4 meters in length at birth. The Gray Whales give birth to their young in shallow lagoon waters. This is done to protect the newborn from predators like sharks and orcas