

How many babies does wombat have?

Updated: 8/10/2022
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9y ago

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Wombats have just one baby, called a joey, per year.

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Wilburn Weissnat

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1y ago
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How many thumbs does a wombat have?

Good question, a wombat has 2 thumbs

Does wombat give birth to live babies?

Yes. Wombats are marsupials and all marsupials give live birth.

What sort of shelter does the wombat use?

Each wombat lives in its own burrow, which has many connected tunnels.

How many legs does a wombat have?

The wombat has 40 chromosomes. 18+XY from the male 18+XX from the female

Are wombat babies born with fur?

No. baby wombats (joeys) are born completely naked and blind. At birth they resemble a small pink bean.

Does a wombat have a apache?

A wombat has a pouch.

Where does a Tasmanian devil have its babies?

The Tasmanian devil makes its home in dense undergrowth and bushland. It sometimes occupies abandoned wombat burrows or hollow logs.

Where does a Tasmanian devil have babies?

The Tasmanian devil makes its home in dense undergrowth and bushland. It sometimes occupies abandoned wombat burrows or hollow logs.

Does a wombat look after its young?

Yes. Like all marsupials, the young wombat (joey) spends many months developing in the mother's pouch.

What is a wombat name?

The wombat's common name is wombat. The scientific name is Vombatus ursinus.