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Q: How many babys do sloths give birth to at one time?
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A yak is a mammal, so they give birth to live young. After a gestation period of about 9 months, they give birth to a single calf.

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They give birth to a single calf after a gestation period of 12 months, twins are rare.

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It is preferable to bath a baby, rather than shower it.

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Yes, there are many sloths in Panama.

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none...LIONESSES give birth

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How many babies do adult sloths have?

a million kid that is how much sloths produce

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Frogs do not give birth. They lay eggs.

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The Irish Elk has been extinct for about 7,700 years, so it is difficult to know how many could be given birth to by one mother.

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none, a person does not give birth to kittens