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Monkeys will throw up after 18 bananas.

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Q: How many bananas can a monkey eat before it throws up?
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How many bananas does the average monkey eat?

as much as it wants until it throws up

In the game banana monkey how many bananas are in a bunch?

The answer is 3 bananas to a bunch.

In the Game banana monkey how many bananas in a bunch?


Why can't your monkey go to the toilet?

Because you never bribed him enough with enough bananas! Or: Because you bribed him with too many bananas

If a monkey can eat 5 bananas per minute while Tom can only eat 4 bananas per minute how many bananas will both eat in 10 minutes?

90.5 X 10 = 504 X 10 = +4090 bananas

Why is eating too many bananas bad for you?

no,bananas are the best. they help in eliminating dirty elements in the body.

Are bananas a nut?

Peanuts are known by many local names, including earthnuts, ground nuts, goober peas, monkey nuts, pygmy nuts and pig nuts.The term "Monkey nut" is often used to mean the entire pod where as peanut refers only to the shelled nut.

About how many meals do Diana monkeys eat in one day?

I guess 5 bananas daily + 2 oranges... total of 30 calories...Not a confirmed answer.. jst a guess

How much do monkeys like bananas?

monkeys like bananas but im not to sure about pineapples accordin to my friend if they eat to many unripe bananas their tongue will go green............. :) monkeys like bananas but im not to sure about pineapples accordin to my friend if they eat to many unripe bananas their tongue will go green............. :)

How many bananas does it take to get a blind monkey out of a tree?

Two. One to throw at the monkey so it falls out of the tree, and another one to throw at it while its on the ground rage quiting. That way it doesn't come after you when its pissed that it fell out of the tree.

How many bananas would you have to eat before you die?

Most people eat bananas. It is unlikely you will find an exact statistic.

How many bananas are in 43.29 dozen bananas?

519.28 bananas