

How many battle were union victories?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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Enough to win the war for the Union, apparently. Here's a list of some w/ years:

Ft. Henry and Donelson, 1862

Shiloh, 1862

New Orleans, 1862

Pea Ridge, 1862

Antietam, 1862

Vicksburg, 1863

Gettysburg, 1863

Chattanooga, 1863

Mobile Bay, 1864

Atlanta, 1864

Cedar Creek, 1864

Franklin/Nashville, 1864

Wilmington, 1865

Five Forks, 1865

Appomattox, 1865

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During the course of the US Civil War there were many important Union victories. There are also many diverse answers to this question. Here is a list of six important Union victories:1. The capture of New Orleans; 2. The capture of Fort Donelson; 3. The battle at Shiloh; 4. The battle of Gettysburg; 5. The battle at Antietam, although in technical military terms this was a draw; and 6. The fall of Atlanta in 1864.