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I'm pretty sure they can eat 20,000 berries in a day.

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Q: How many berries can a Grizzly bear eat in one day?
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How much food does a grizzly bear kneed a day?

Grizzly Bears Eat About 10-15 Times A Day

What are three things a grizzly bear eats?

Fish , honey and berries those are three of the many things that a bear would eat some wild bears also eat large animals and mammals like humans and deer but not many do . bears in the zoo are fed things like that every day .

Who would win in a fight a tiger or a grizzly bear?

The tiger any day! A tiger is much more agile and aggressive. not to mention that tigers are the sickest animals around. and hop is wrong

How do grizzly bears get energy?

bears get energy from eating healthy foods like berries and fish they could also get energy by running or getting excercise every day

Lewis and clark had many adventures on their journey facts?

· Lewis and Clark were warned by local Indians that there were large grizzly bears but Lewis thought they were only a danger to the Indians because the Indians only had bows and arrows not guns. One day Lewis and another man encountered two grizzly bears. Lewis' companion shot and killed the bear but the when Lewis shot the second bear he only injured it which caused the bear to charge toward him. The grizzly chased Lewis for 80 yards before it was shot and killed by Lewis' companion.

What does it mean when someone sits on computer all day?

Lowlife if you don't get nothing done but if you do then nerd or a grizzly bear and don't want to come out.

How far can elk travel in a day?

A grizzly bear can travel unlimited distances. It depends on its mood and motivation.

How much pounds of salmon do grizzly bears eat?

A grizzly will eat around twice its body mass before hibernation.

How many fish does a bear eat per day?

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Who would win a fight between an elephant and a mammouth?

A elephant would kill the grizzly bear because it can stab the grizzly bear with those tusks.that may be true but also the grizzly bear is moreaggressive and if the elephant gets scared all it can do is charge forward or run away

When is the grizzly bear active?

they are mostly active durring the late evening