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Q: How many black spider monkeys die each year?
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Related questions

Do spider monkeys live among other spider monkeys?

Yes, but seldom with different species. Spider monkeys live in colonies of 15 to 25, and as many as 35 monkeys.

How many spider monkeys were there and how many are there now?

Spider monkeys are seriously threatened in the wild. They are hunted by people for food, and are already extinct in areas that are close to humans. There are only about 2000 spider monkeys left

How many spider monkeys are there?


What types of monkeys live in the Amazon?

There are many types of monkeys in the Amazon. Somecommon species are tamarins, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, capuchin monkeys, squirrel monkeys and marmosets. There are several varieties in each specie too.

Do spider monkeys and lemurs evolve at the same time?

Lemurs likely predate spider monkeys by many millions of years.

How many spider monkeys are in a group?

about 30

How many spiders live in the Amazon rainforest?

Yes spider monkeys do live in the amazon. A few examples are the Woolly spider monkey and the Black spider monkey

How many spider monkeys left in the world?

There are 7 species of spider monkey, all of which are considered under threat. The Black-headed Spider Monkey and the Brown Spider Monkey are both critically endangered. There are approximately 60 Brown Spider Monkeys in zoos, but there estimated total population is unknown. They are considered one of the 25 most critically endangered Primates by the IUCN.

What animal category is the Spider Monkey in?

Spider monkeys, like all monkeys, are primates, which are simian mammals having many of the characteristics of humans.

How many monkeys can fit in a car?

It depends on the size of the monkeys and the size of the car. Let's say we have a Volvo. We have Spider Monkeys. I estimate that I could jam-pack 56 Spider Monkeys into my shiny, silver, Volvo.

Do spider monkeys live in trees?

Spider monkeys live in a biome with many trees. They move around by swinging from tree to tree. Spider monkeys do not build a nest or take shelter in a cave. Instead, they sleep high up in a tree on a wide branch. Spider monkeys mostly eat fruits and nuts.

How many toes do monkey have?

they have 7 toes on each foot, but yoou cant see 2 of them because they are invisible to the human eye. init.