

How many blacks were there on the confederate side?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How many blacks were there on the confederate side?
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Was Maryland on the union or confederate side?

maryland was on the confederate side and kentucky was on the confederate side too NEW RESPONDENT. Maryland sided with the Union although many Marylanders opposed to.

What is the explanation to why the Confederacy did not draft slaves and free blacks into the army?

Your "facts" are in error.Between 65,000 and 100,000 blacks served in the Confederate Army. Let me restate that: as many as 100,000 blacks served in the Army of the South. These men were cooks, musicians, and soldiers.Of the 179,000 blacks who served in all aspects of the Union Army and 19,000 who served in the Navy, 40,000 died in service.Where the majority of Northern blacks volunteered, many of the Southern blacks were pressed into service, although quite a few volunteered to serve in the Confederate cause.

How many states were on the confederate side?

11 states were on the Confederate side 20 states were on the Union side There were 5 border states, including West Virginia

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Which former Confederate state had the most blacks holding office during Reconstruction

How many free Blacks lived in the Confederate states when the US Civil War broke out?

Approximately 135,000 free Blacks lived in the South when the US Civil War began.

How many blacks fought on the American side?

3.6 million

Was the CS Hunley on the Confederate side or the Union side?

If you are referring to the Confederate sumbmarine the CS Hunley, then yes it was on the Confederate side.

Why the confederate side is right?

Because we traded blacks for goods and crops that we grew! So that means that we own them, so we can do any thing we want to them. Whip,whack,slap.

How many troops did the Confederate side have in Chattanooga?

About 44,000 troops.

What did the union have that the confederate's didn't have?

blacks on there team they refuse to work to gether

How many soldiers were thereon the confederate side of the battle of Gettysburg?

There were about 40,360.

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Each side had over 32000 men.